Monday, April 19, 2010


By Swami Baba Ramdev

The holy scriptures talk about Aparigrah (non-accumulation or renunciation) and non-violence as the main virtues on the path to spirituality. However, we do not mind modifying and restricting these virtues in boundaries of nation and religion to suit our own temperament.
Parigrah in Sanskrit language means 'to accumulate'. This desire to accumulate from every possible source is ever on the rise within us.

Contrary to this, attaining satisfaction with the minimum money, food, clothing and shelter, required mainly to sustain a living and striving to live life as devotion to god, is Aparigrah. Whatever money, glory, temple land and grandeur we receive, we should not get addicted to these and become arrogant. Becoming a slave to the material luxuries will lead us nowhere.
Maharishi Vyas says: Vishyanmarjan rakshan kshaya sang hinsa dosh darshandasvikarnam parigraha. It is wrong to accumulate materialistic luxuries and consumable products and wealth, it is wrong to protect the accumulated wealth, it is wrong to destroy the accumulated wealth. It is wrong to be enamored by grandeur and violence. It is not possible to utilize the happiness without afflicting the fellow living beings.

Another sage, Maharishi Patanjali, emphasizes: jaati desh kal samayan vichhinnah sarvbhauma mahavratam which means if a person who without being affected by caste, nation or time rises above the ambit of caste, creed or country and follows the doctrine of non-violence under all instances, then he is called a follower of non-violent renunciation. If we visualize from a common man's perspective then following these penances is very difficult.

Henceforth we create certain limitations and circumscribe truths and untruths into different distinct classes and modify them to suit our own needs. Do not constrict universal truths and virtues in boundaries of time, place or caste. Take the virtue of non-violence for instance, which is modified and twisted by people to suit their needs. A fisherman catches fish, eats and sells. It is his job, so he can't escape it but yes, he is non-violent, since he doesn't kill calf.

I will not kill at places of worship like Kashi, Mathura or Haridwar; I will however kill outside these places. Such a thinker is non-violent restricted to a particular place alone - he is not following complete non-violence. In relation to time also some people make excuses, "I will not kill on Ekadashi, full moon, new moon, Tuesday, these instances are tied with time. I will kill under certain circumstances when I am in trouble. This is also incomplete non-violence."
Hence we must learn about truth and untruth, accumulation and renunciation thoroughly. "Generally, I will lie to protect a Brahmin or a cow." This is a caste-dependent lie. Learn about truth, celibacy, and renunciation thoroughly. We all should strive to rise above the boundaries and should follow these virtues in the truest sense.

(As told to Geeta Anandi)