Friday, April 23, 2010

Respect your inner most

Deeksha or initiation awakens us and unites us with our own self

Make your life an adventure, take a pilgrimage from you to yourself. We talk of attaining liberation and establishing world peace but we forget that it begins with our inner journey. Liberation is an adventure within. A common problem of boredom is found amongst most of the youngsters these days; they are always waiting for someone. I extol you to meet the woman in yourself, that ever shining atma (soul). Our Swabhav (nature) always wants to meet the Swaroop (inner real self). Do not suppress it, let it project itself. Ananda or bliss is in the soul.

Respect your inner most. One who cannot respect the inner self cannot respect the outer world as well. Change your entire thinking process and you will be able to communicate with your inner self, building a positive environment around you. Till date you have been used and exploited by your confused mind. You have not developed the awareness of your being yourself. Only you are thinking about your personalities, your egos and being in this world, with full of physical entertainment and worldly achievements, that is why so far you are not satisfied and you can’t satisfy yourself the way you are living in this world. The ecstasy of the healing energy of Deeksha (initiation) allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things; therefore, overriding any illusion that we have created which makes us believe, we are separate from source or self and so incomplete. Life’ blueprint suggests that success is priceless. Nothing succeeds like success. We can unleash our genetic potential now and can enrich our lives by delving deeply into our essential natures. We have dormant superhuman qualities that are waiting to be stimulated.

This esoteric science of stimulation or deeksha is very precise and efficient which can help you overcome the major and delicate turning points that stands before you today. A human being with 100% activation of two strand DNA, plus ten additional strands using ten percent of his brain to become a multi-dimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities beyond anything we have ever dreamed of, curtail the ageing process and actually start to rejuvenate to look and feel young is the original divine blueprint what man used to be. DNA is the blueprint of life and it is located in every cell of our body. Research shows that we are currently using only three percent of our current two strand DNA. Hence, we are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love, and at times totally aloof in this universe. Just wake up and look to yourself and look into yourself and walk on the pilgrimage of you and yourself.

(As told to Geeta Anandi)