Uttarakhand Chief Minister Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank requested an additional 350 MW power from the central quota to the hill state in view of the commencement of 'char dham' yatra in May. After witnessing a huge rush of pilgrims during the Mahakumbh mela, the state government is now expecting a large number of devotees to undertake the 'char dham' pilgrimage to Garhwal Himalayas from here and at least 350 MW power is required for ensuring uninterrupted power supply during the period, said an official release quoting Nishank.
The chief minister said he had already talked to the Prime Minister as well as Union Power Minister over the issue. The annual pilgrimage to char dham including Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri in Garwhal Himalayas will commence from May 15. Nishank noted that power crisis is a problem affecting the entire nation and that Uttarakhand is in fact in a better situation as compared to some other states. However, he said power generation has been affected by decreased water level in rivers as a result of less rainfall. Moreover, the demand for electricity has also increased due to setting up of new industrial units. The chief minister said the government is trying to provide regular power supply to the people and is buying electricity worth Rs 400 crore from outside.
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