Brahmkumari Shivani
Recreate every morning the thought which you want to live for the whole day and pass on to others with whom you come in contact with. Let all other thoughts go away, establish yourself in this thought and let it spread to the whole cosmos. Feel yourself as a tiny bubble expanding and merging in the surrounding ocean of love. Imbibe yourself in that thought and then start your karma, whosoever comes to you, idealise that thought in him.
After every hour in your work schedule, just pause for a minute and reaffirm to yourself , 'Love is my nature.' If negative or low depressive thoughts come to your mind, don't blame others or circumstances. Own them since they are your own creations. You have to remember that your emotions are your own creation so change is needed in you and not your circumstances. Your own perspective needs a change. Changing your perspective, the relation with your family and colleagues will develop into completion. The hollowness in relations will vanish. Clean your box (mind) first then your contact persons will automatically change.
Sometimes it happens, that we do not react to the wrongs done by others but deep inside it keeps on pricking. Tell yourself that it was right having not reacted at the spur of the moment. The reason: the person who hurt you with his fiery words was himself 'wounded'. There is deep pain inside him and that accounts for his angry outpour on you. Try to empathise with him. He is already wounded and why do you want to give him more pain?
By not reacting to the person, you are not submissive. Rather you are victorious. One who bends, is not weak, rather the egoistic person is weak. It needs courage to bend and that brings flexibility and increases your tolerance in life. Instead of reacting send peaceful vibrations. Each being is a form of love. They (your opponents) are waiting for you. It is just that who breaks the ice first? You initiate in sending the vibrations of love and peace. Remember help is always extended at subtle level. To help others, I need to be full with that virtue. I cannot give unless I have that. First I have to be in the capacity of awakened state. Create those vibrations in you that they emanate to others. You can teach others only by exemplifying in your life those virtues and not by preaching. So keep your mind clean. Give love to all and do not tag any person with the label, "He is an angry man, its his nature to get angry on any trivial issue." Send peaceful energy at thought level and transformation is just a thought away.
(As told to Geeta Anandi)
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