Monday, August 2, 2010

Accept life as it is

Dr. Nalini Jain

There are so many things in life which are beyond our control. We can neither be a chooser nor a controller in most of the matters of our lives. In such case it is better to accept positively, whatever life offers. We can not mend the system. Whatever is beyond our control needs to be accepted that too gracefully. By making us accept, life is making us evolve, day by day. Acceptance is something we must come to in order to survive a painful loss. It could be loss of a beloved one or some prized possession. It is an art to accept the grief which life throws upon us.

Not accepting the loss and fighting within is sheer loss of energy leaving us broken and shattered. On the contrary, acceptance offers a very simple solution to the problems of life. But we must not consider this acceptance as an act of cowardliness. Rather it demands courage to accept the situation or system which cannot be mended. Let go the events which you can't change, just accept them. Acceptance is a sign of courage. We must not cling to the past. Just move on. Accept people and circumstances as they are. Acceptance saves us from so many ignoble and useless things. Always acting and never reacting to any situation comes as a handy tool in observation of this mantra of acceptance. A poet has beautifully etched: My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me/I cannot choose the colours, He worketh steadily/Oft times he weaveth sorrow, And I in foolish pride/forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.

There are multifarious benefits which come by following acceptance in life. Accepting life on its own terms saves us from being a victim and blaming the world or the circumstances. When inflicted with AIDS, legendary wimbledon player Arthur Ashe had beautifully accepted his suffering saying, "When I was holding the world cup I never asked God why he gave this cup of success to me alone; now when I am ailing how can I ask him, why this suffering to me alone?" Acceptance ultimately culminates in abundance. Life brings all those gifts with it like health, happiness, joy, love, success in abundance. The negative energy of useless worry, fear, guilt or regret gets transformed into positive feeling of gratitude of all our assets in life. We rewrite our script of lives in a new way when acceptance dawns in life and thus evolve to a better person than what we were before.